Achievement Academy

In the 2nd year of Cheonan (858), at the opening of the mountain by Jikan Daishi, the main statue is a statue of Yakushi Nyorai riding on a lotus position supported by three octopuses, which is said to have been made by the master himself. He is commonly called an octopus medicine man and is revered by people as the Buddha of exorcism of plagues. In the possession of this temple is a plaque of "Ya no Negoro", which depicts one of the 18th Kabuki bans brushed by the ukiyo-e artist Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815), but it has been recognized as an important work of art in Japan and is stored in the National Museum. In the precincts, the concubine of the second Tokugawa shogun, Hidetada, prayed for the prosperity of our son Hoshina Masayuki, and the "Akiba Daigongen" is enshrined together as a thank you for the fulfillment of his great wish. In addition to this, there are Jizo Son and Koshin Pagoda from the Edo period. (From the Meguro Ward Board of Education)