Inari Demon King Shrine
稲荷鬼王神社We tend to have a bad image of "demons", but since ancient times, "demons" have been a symbol of "god" and "power". It is also said that "demons exorcise demons" and have the power to exorcise all calamities. Therefore, there are many shrines and temples that enshrine demons or bear the name of demons throughout the country. However, we are the only shrine and temple in Japan with the name "Demon King", which means the king of "demons". For this reason, in the Edo period, not only farmers in the vicinity, but also samurai, merchants, and craftsmen from Edo came to worship. Today, it is attracting attention as the only shrine in the center of Shinjuku that can be seen on the map, and people from all over the country who want to obtain our divine virtues are worshipped. The history of the Inari Demon King Shrine, which bestows good fortune among the nation's largest shrines, is as shown on the left.
In 1653, the Inari Shrine was built in this place, which has been regarded as a sacred place in Okubo Village since ancient times. In the second year of the Hōreki calendar (1752), Kishu Kumano solicited the Demon King Gongen (Tsukiyomi Life, Daimono Lord Life, Tente Rikio Life) from Kishu Kumano out of gratitude for the healing of illness during his travels, and in the second year of Tenpo (1831) it was enshrined with Inari Shrine and became the Inari Demon King Shrine. Therefore, there are two types of company crests, the Inari crest and the Tomoe crest. In Kishu Kumano, there is no Demon King Gongen, and our company has the name of the best company in Japan. This demon king Gongen offered tofu to all kinds of diseases, including eczema and swelling, and it was said that if he or his representative cut off the tofu until it was cured, and if he or she stroked the affected area while praying with the "stroking protection" awarded by our company, it would surely heal him, and until around the 15th year of Meiji (1882), several tofu merchants in front of the company were said to have been running their daily household expenses with this tofu alone. It is still widely believed today. This belief is described not only in the Edo period's "Shin-hen Musashi Fudoki" but also in the later periods by the literary giant Nagai Kafu. In addition, in honor of the name of "Demon King", we chant "Fortune is Uchi, Demon is Inside" with Setsubun Toki Oni as the god of spring.
P.S. The local gods of Okubo Village, such as the shrine of the fire god of fire and the god of theft protection, which were scattered in the former Okubo Village during the Meiji era, were enshrined. The grand festival is on September 18th, and the shrine appears on Sundays and holidays before and after it. This shrine is a rare shrine carved with a demon mask.