Kita Aoyama Akiba Shrine (Inari Shrine)

This shrine was called the last shrine of the Golden King Hachimangu Shrine. It is said to have been founded in June of the 10th year of Bunsei (1827), and in the past it was dedicated as a shrine headquarters in the precincts of Aoyama Zenkoji Temple, but after the Meiji Restoration, it was divided from the temple due to the difference between Shinto and Buddhist temples. Since the shrine is dedicated to the three gods Inari Ōkami, Akiba Ōkami, and Ontake Ōkami (Kiso no Mitake), it is also commonly called the three shrines and also the Akiba Shrine. It is revered exclusively as a fire protection god as the guardian of Aoyama. (From the bulletin board in the precincts)