Kodaira Shinmeigu
小平神明宮In the second year of the Meiji calendar (1656), he issued a petition for the reclamation of Ogawa Village and a solicitation for Shinmeigu Shrine. Five years later, in the first year of Kanbun (1661), Miyazaki built a shrine with the cooperation of the lord and the general farmers, and made him the chief deity of Ogawa Village. Today, we worship the gods of the 12 shrines and 15 seats. The main deity is Dainichi Takano, and is the same god as the inner shrine of Ise Jingu, and has been widely called "Shinmei-sama" since ancient times.
His grace and happiness, which have not changed since ancient times, illuminates the darkness of the world, drives out evil, and gives birth to and nurtures all living things with a warm heart of harmony and compassion. All those who revere this divine majesty will enjoy it in the future, and will gain the divine virtues of health, production, peace, and prosperity, and the festival of the four seasons will be abundantly inherited.