Komagome Tenso Shrine

In the Edo period, it was called Komagome Shinmeigu Shrine and was worshipped as the general guardian of Komagome. According to the legend, in the 5th year of Bunji (1189), Prince Minamoto Yoritomo, on his way to defeat Oshu Fujiwara Taisho, was impressed by Reimu and asked his vassal Rattan Kuro Morinaga to search for the place, and when he saw that the old pine tree was covered with cannabis, he rejoiced in the efficacy of the divine spirit, and built Shinmeigu Shrine around the pine. After that, it is said that there was an abortion and there was no palace guard, only a small shrine under the old pine tree of the sacred tree, and that there was a revival of Horitango Moritoshi Nao during the Keian year (1648 ~ 1659).