Lingyan Temple
霊巌寺In an attempt to spread the teachings to Edo, the 32nd generation of the Jodo Buddhist sect, Chion-in, built a soan in the Kayabacho area. As the number of people who admired the virtues of the superiors increased, and the soan became narrower, in the first year of Kanei (1624), he built the Dohonzan Tokaiin Reiwa Temple. In the 5th year of Kanei, it was listed in the Danlin of the Pure Land sect, and there were more than 120 dormitories, and many monks were practicing. It was destroyed by a great fire in the 3rd year of the Meiji calendar (1657) and moved to its current location in the first year of the following Manji. Hit by the Great Kanto Earthquake and the Tokyo Air Raid, the current main hall was rebuilt in Showa 56. In the precincts of the temple is the tomb of Matsudaira Sadanobu, an old man who carried out the reforms of Kansei.