Nine-headed Dragon Shrine
九頭龍神社Worship hours: No limit
Office opening hours 9:00-15:30
7076 Kazuma, Hinohara Village, Nishitama-gun, Tokyo(東京都西多摩郡檜原村数馬7076)
Okutama Station (奥多摩駅)
Trains and buses 🚌 From Musashi-Gokaichi Station on the JR Gokaichi Line, take the West Tokyo Bus to Sukuma for 60 minutes. The last stop is 300 meters from the horse. car🚗 38km from Hachioji IC on the Chuo Expressway 25km from the Uenohara IC on the Chuo Expressway
The purchaseable items available at the shrine.
Omikuji Goshuin Book Goshuin Stamp Ema Amulet
Please Note that the shrine homepage will likely be in Japanese.