Norirenji Temple
乗蓮寺Originally, it was called Mt. Keigakuin Norirenji, but later it became Mt. Keigaku, and now Mt. Akatsuka is the name of the mountain. It began in the Muromachi period when Ryoken Mu Kazuhisa established a kusan in Yamanaka Village, a corner of Itabashi that was deep in grass at that time, and edified the people, and later, at the end of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, it was moved to the current Nakasendo inn along the old Nakasendo road. In addition, in the 3rd year of Kanpo (1743), Shogun Yoshimune took shelter from the rain during falconry, and since then it has become a small resting place and a gozen place for falconry for the shogun's family. Due to the widening work of National Highway 17, it was relocated to its current location over a period of 7 years from Showa 46.